I chanced upon a photo saying 'The easiest homemade pizza dough: One cup of greek yogurt and one cup of self rising flour....That's it!'
I thought that's really easy and shared this information with my readers and fans on my Facebook page. Then someone asked me if I can share how to do it. I did a search and found the directions at 101buget.com which says combine the 2 ingredients, mix well, knead 5 to 8 minutes, roll and prepare as you would any pizza crust.
This afternoon, to convince myself that this recipe works, I decided to experiment it. After measuring a cup of each ingredient, I used the KitchenAid stand mixer, fixed with the dough hook to do the kneading. After a few minutes, the dough looked very wet and sticky. My instinct told me that there is no way that the ingredients can come together to form a dough. Even if I continue kneading, I'll end up with some gluey mix instead!
I am determined to get a nice and smooth dough and started adding flour little by little, (noting down the amount added each time) checking the texture after each kneading. Finally, I got the texture right, yay!!! The dough is smooth and easy to handle. With this simple 2 ingredients pizza dough recipe, 30 minutes is all you need to knead the dough and bake a pizza, how fast and convenient, don't you agree?
我偶然在网上看到一张图片说明: "最简单的自制比萨面团:一杯希腊酸奶和一杯自发面粉" 看起来好容易,并在我的Facebook烘焙页与我的读者和粉丝分享。过后,有人问我制做的方法,我就上网在101buget.com找到。做法是结合两种配料,拌匀,揉5〜8分钟,面团就可做比萨了。
我决定要调整面粉的分量来揉出一个很好操作和光滑的面团,并开始一点一点的加入面粉, 并记下每次的添加量。最后,终于让我调出了满意的质感,好高兴! 有了这个简单的两种材料比萨面团配方,过程只需30分钟, 比萨就可以出炉了!
Two Ingredients Pizza Dough Recipe
Ingredients 材料: (Makes four 8 inch pizza base 可做四个8寸的比萨饼)
400g Self Raising Flour 自发粉
350g Greek Style Yogurt 希腊式酸奶
** Many have asked if plain yogurt can be used, I wouldn't advise to use as plain yogurt is more watery and not as thick and creamy as Greek yogurt. If you use plain yogurt, you may end up with a sticky and wet dough which is difficult to handle.
** 好多人问可以用普通酸奶吗?普通酸奶是水水的,不像希腊式优格的质地比较浓稠。如果使用的话,面团会比较湿粘,难操作。
Method 方法:
1. Put both ingredients in a mixer bowl. Use a stand mixer with dough hook and knead till the dough is pliable and soft. (I use KitchenAid speed 1 to knead, you can also use the breadmaker pasta function to knead or hand knead for about 10 minutes to get a smooth dough.)
2. Put the dough onto a lightly floured work surface, divide the dough into 4 equal portions. (each portion about 178 grams) Shape into 4 balls, roll or press out each portion to a round 8 inch size.
3. Spread some pizza sauce over the dough, arrange a layer of grated cheddar/mozzarella cheese, followed by preferred toppings. Sprinkle the top all over with more grated cheddar/mozzarella cheese.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees celcius for 10 to 15 minutes. (For my Brandt oven FP1067XS, I used the Auto Program function and select 'Pizza'.)
4。放入已预热的烘箱,以200摄氏度烘烤10至15分钟。 (我用Brandt烤箱FP1067XS,比萨的自动烘焙功能烘烤。)
Feedback given by reader who has tried this recipe:
Elaine Chew says,"I only took 10 mins to hand knead the base!! This is definitely a quick meal solution for kids!"
Updated on 5 May'16
Half the recipe and made a 11" pizza dough, as usual used whatever I have in the fridge as toppings! :p
“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post here. Thank you.”
© Copyright 2014 bakingtaitai.blogspot.sg
Just want to let you know that I tried this 2 ingredient pizza yesterday for mother's day dinner. Taste good, but I think I did not bake it at a high degree, thus did not really rise the dough, but overall taste is good :) thank you for the recipe :)
Hi, (I can't address you as you did not leave your name)
Thanks for sharing with me that you have tried this recipe and like the taste of it. The dough will not rise when baking as there is no yeast used or proofing done as it is not required for this recipe. :)
Hi Cheryl,
I try out your 2 ingredients pizza recipe, it really easy to do. And most important thing is the end product turn out excellent. Thank you for yr sharing!
Hi Gini, thanks for trying the recipe and glad to know that you are happy with the results. :)
Hi im karrine. I just tried this but my crust didnt cook well n tasted doughy. I only realised i didnt really knead the dough after everything. Is this e reason?
Hi Karrine, as mentioned in Step 1, you have to knead until the dough is pliable and soft.
Hi Cheryl, no proofing required?
Hi Stephanie, sorry for the late reply as I just return from overseas after a month's vacation. No proofing is required as yeast is not used at all.
May i know is it possible to keep the excess dough by wrapping using cling wrap and keep in the freezer for future use.
If yes could you advise how long can this dough be kept in the freezer?
Thank you very much
Hi Patricia, yes you may keep the excess dough in the freezer. As for how long, if you google for the answer, some advise 3 months, some 6 months or even a year!
Thank you for the advise.. !!
Have a great day!!
Hi Cheryl,
I had baked one today and it was very nice and my kiddos love it!!!
But could you advise and correct me if I'm wrong.. When the dough is pliable and soft, it will be a bit sticky right?
Cos i knead the dough and follow all steps. After the dough is formed, it was sticky hence, i put some flour on the work surface and roll it. But as i roll the dough it was still sticky. Thus, i added some more flour to prevent it from sticking on the rolling pin...
Is the above correct? Please advise...
Thank you!
Hi Patricia, thanks for the feedback, great to hear that your kids love it! The dough after kneading will be soft and easy to handle and not sticky. Do take a look at the photos at step 2, you will see that the dough is easy to roll out without using much flour. Just to recall, did you measure the amount of greek yogurt accurately using a digital weighing scale? Also, different brands of ingredients have different composites, perhaps the water content of the greek yogurt you have used is higher thus causing the dough to be stickier. But not to worry, you have done it right by sprinkling some flour on the work surface and adding a little more flour to the dough for easier handling. As long as you don't add too much flour (afraid that it might affect the texture), it's fine. :)
Hi Cheryl,
Yes i did measured the amount of greek yogurt.. But using a different brand as the Dairy Farmers brand was sold out...
Thanks for your advise.. Didn't realize that different brand will have such different outcome..
Nevertheless, I will go buy the same brand and knead again..Thank you for sharing such easy and yummy recipe!!
Thank you & have a great weekend!
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